Na Pali Maverick Application

2024 Na Pali Sea Kayak Camping Season

May 15 thru  September 8


Thank you for choosing Kayak Kaua’i to help realize your Na Pali Coast paddling dream or if you are paddling it again…welcome back!

We can do all that you ask.

We are offering both the Traditional route from the more challenging North shore of Ha’ena and also  “mellower” South-West  Polihale approach. 

After 39 year of pioneering and offering this service we feel guiding regardless of experience, is the way to go. 

If going with a guide is an issue, STOP, you don’t need to go further!

Guiding Insures:

  1. Safety
  2. Malama/caring  & Respect of the natural resource
  3. Interpretation

Weight Limit Rule of Thumb: 

Our double kayaks can comfortably handle 500 pounds or less.
If participants surpass this weight limit we encourage a motor boat alternative.

We don’t  guide kids under 16 years; come back later when they can paddle you!


Below is our custom group Maverick application form.

Please fill it out to the best of your ability so that we will have a better idea of who you are, your group’s level of experience, conditions paddled, etc and how best we can help you and your group with your sea kayak expedition.

We will count on you to ensure that everyone in your group is up to the rigors and challenges of paddling this rugged and beautiful coastline.

Paddling Na Pali is not for everyone. It is physically taxing and everyone in your group should be fit enough to complete the journey.

Once it has been submitted we will get back with a cost quote.

A hui hou,


After you fill in and before you clic and send,  PLEASE SAVE YOUR WORK and after submitted follow up with an e-mail to

    How did you hear about us?

    Float Plan!

    Camping Permit #

    How many paddlers:

    Date IN:

    Date OUT:

    How many nights Kalalau

    How many nights Miloli‘i:

    Total Days:

    Wailua River Marina Check In

    Check in time is same day as paddle: 5:30 a.m.
    On the road at 6:15 a.m.


    We generally require a guide from Hae'na or Kalalau or Polihale.

    Guide Ha'ena to Kalalau: $385

    Guide Ha'ena to Miloli'i: $385

    Guide Kalalau to Miloli'i: $385

    Guide Polihale to Miloli'i: $385

    Guide Miloli'i to Polihale: $385

    Kayak Choices

    We insist on the minimum of one double per expedition and more depending on the strength of the party.

    Single Prowler/TW (w/ rudder) $55/day:

    Double Zest Expedition (no rudder) $65/day:

    Double Zest (w/ rudder) $85/day:

    Transportation and Logistics

    Flying in the same day as paddle?

    Where will you be staying the night before?

    Shuttle Options

    Start of paddle: put in Ha'ena County Beach Park

    From Lihue Airport to Ha'ena ($75/person -- 2 minimum)

    From Wailua River Marina to Ha'ena ($65/person -- 2 minimum)

    Start of paddle: put in Polihale State Park

    From Lihue Airport to Polihale ($70/person -- 2 minimum)

    From Wailua River Marina to Polihale ($70/person -- 2 minimum)

    End of paddle: take out Polihale State Park

    Polihale To Lihue Airport

    11:00 AM Polihale Pick Up to Lihue Airport ($70/person -- 5 paddler minimum)

    3:30 to 4:30 PM Polihale Pick Up to Lihue Airport ($70/person -- 2 minimum)

    To Polihale back Wailua River Marina (Kayak Kauai Shop)

    11:00 AM Polihale Pick Up to Wailua River Marina ($70/person -- 5 paddler minimum)

    3:30 to 4:30 PM Polihale Pick Up to Wailua River Marina ($70/ person -- 2 paddler minimum)

    ONLY fill this in, if we are dropping off and/or picking kayaks at Polihale?

    Single Kayaks $30/each way:

    Double Kayak $35/each way:

    Storage Options

    Luggage Storage $12/day < less than 50 lbs:

    Vehicle Storage $25/day:

    Camping Rentals

    Tent (2 person) $20/day:

    Stove $8/day:

    Dry Bags $4/day:

    Sleeping Bags $6/day:

    Sleeping Pads $5/day:

    Soft Pac Coolers (19 quarts) $4/day:

    Soft Pac Coolers (25 quarts) $6/day:

    Sea Safety Kit $50/day:

    Expedition Members

    Your Expedition Leader/Main Contact

    First, Last Name*:

    Street Address*:


    State / Province / Region*:

    Postal / Zip Code*:



    Phone on Kauai*:




    How many in party have paddled Na Pali?:

    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 2

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 3

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 4

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 5

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 6

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    Paddler No. 7

    First, Last Name:




    Paddling Experience:

    For groups larger than 7 paddlers (including leader), please fill out and submit a second form and we will be in contact.

    When You’re Ready Click:
    ...Before you do PLEASE SAVE YOUR WORK and after submitted follow up with an e-mail

    Cancellation Policy

    Kayak Kauai observes a firm 24 hour cancellation policy. Any cancellations within 24 hours will receive no refund;(All Na Pali Coast kayaking tours or GROUPS of 6 or more require a 48 hour cancellation notice). Cancellations made by Kayak Kauai due to inclement weather conditions are 100% refundable.

    Travel Insurance

    Safety is no accident and on every tour we pay special attention to this fact. That said, travel insurance is not a bad idea, especially if a “dark cloud” decides to follow you. Find a company that offers medical, security evacuation and rescue services in the event of a medical or security emergency.